"I am Elpis and you are one of my chosen. " When Elpis spoke, her voice was strong yet soft and resonated with the same warmth and soothing quality her presence exuded.
"Elpis? Your chosen? I don't understand what that means."
" I am the Goddess of Hope. When Zeus chose to punish man, because Prometheus stole fire, he had the first woman created, Pandora and gave her to Prometheus' brother along with a beautiful jar and the instructions that it should never be opened. But he knew that curiosity was too great a temptation and the jar was opened and a thousand plagues were unleashed unto man. I, too, was one of those plagues against man, but I choose to remain in the jar."
"Wait, if you are a plague, why do I feel so at peace around you? Should I not be afraid?" Ember interrupted.
Elpis smiled, " No, my daughter, I understood the good in mankind's soul, which is why I chose to remain in the jar.. so that no matter how hard life gets, mankind may always have hope. In doing so, I was transformed from a plague to a Goddess." She paused and laid a hand on Ember's heart, "I chose you to be one of my Priestess', because of the passion and humanity you hold in your soul. You and your family will carry on my message. You will be the fire that sets hope ablaze in the hearts of modern people. You have much to learn before you are ready to take on mankind's projected plight."
"Why me? I'm just one woman. People don't listen to me. I'm not even social. I ...."
Elpis pressed a finger to Ember's lips, silencing her and smiled. " You are greater than you know. You must understand, while it is okay to ask your many questions, you will only receive the answers when the time is right and your are ready for them. For now you must learn to face your greatest fears. Only then, will you understand the strength within yourself."
"You sound like Triskele. But, oh, I'm not very strong. I fear everything!" Ember protested.
Elpis let out a melodic laugh, "you are far stronger than you realize or will admit. I would not have chosen you, if you were not. What is it you fear the most?"
"Um, well spiders, okay well bugs in general, mean people..." Elpis simply cocked her head to one side and in her mind, Ember heard her nudge, "No , what is your deepest fear Ember? You must acknowledge them to overcome them."
Ember closed her eyes and searched deep within herself. She knew what her deepest fears were, but to acknowledge out loud was daunting. "I'm afraid of ending up alone, and of failing those I love," she admitted, barely above a whisper.
It was only one word, but the heaviness weighed on Ember.
The conversation continues tomorrow......
Click on pictures to be taken to their origin. They have been taken from Lightning Thief book Club, The Owl's Skull blog and Dailypainters.com
Ooh Something big this way, comes. I have to say it again. Ooh!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Anna. I'm finally getting back into the writing swing. lots of interesting stuff on the way.