Ember restlessly snuggles deeper in the warm softness she was sleeping in....... Purrrrrrrrrrrr..........
Slowly, as she wakes, she realizes that she is cocooned in soft warm buzzing....FUR?!?! She keeps her eyes tightly shut as she feels around herself. "Hmmmmmm..." thinking to herself, "This is definitely sort of animal, but what? It must be huge! And what is this noise? It sorta sounds... like.... a ... really.....large.... CAT!!" She opens up one eye to peak at her surroundings and a few inches from her face is the enormous head of a tiger with huge sword long teeth jutting out from each side of its mouth. She gasps and jumps back but not before a long wet tongue licks her. "Oowwww!" she exclaims, as the sand-paper texture slides over her forehead. It starts to lick her again and she shouts, "NO," throwing up her arms to protect her face. The large cat simply blinks, nudges her with the bridge of its nose before focusing on a paw and beginning its bath, all the while purring softly. Ember sits up and runs her hands over the thick fur of the stomach she had nestled on and the purring grows louder. She lets out a sigh and laughs before saying, "well, you are just a big kitty cat, aren't you." The cat rolls onto his back and Ember slides down to find herself in a huge pile of socks.
"Socks?" She looks around and notices they are everywhere. Some are even continuing to fall from the blackness above her head. As she stands up to get her bearings, she notices all sorts of random items piled about and strange looking anim....PLUNK. Her thoughts are interrupted by a ring of keys hitting her shoulder. "What the..?"
"Where in the world have I ended up this time?"
"Technically, it's not really a world, per say....."
"Perhluna!!" She exclaims as she grabs her furry friend out of the air and squeezes him tightly.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! Not so tight!!"
"Sorry, I guess I'm just glad to see your bratty hide," she says with a grin. Perhluna poofs out of her arms and onto her shoulder. He puffs, "and my kind is considered strange, harrumph!"
"Perh, where are we? What is this place and what are those tree trunk looking things over there... coming straight at us?"
"What?" as Perh looks up to see huge legs supporting what appears to be a leathery boulder, passing over them. "Oh that. I think in your world they were called dinosaurs."
"A dinosaur? Be serious." She frowns at hims, but as the object continues on, she realizes they are all connected and in fact a dinosaur. "Oh my. Where are we?"
"Where are we? Where are we? Must you always ask that?"
"Why yes. I must. So?"
"Well..... this is.... hmmm...... how to explain...........this place........ well....... it's not..... really a place at all......it's more of a..... non....place.....really......it's...."
"Always with the impatience. Hrmph! This is where things from your world go. " he states finally.
"What do you mean, " she asks, frowning.
"When they are not there anymore, they are here."
"UGH! Can't you ever give a normal simple answer and not some sort of riddle?"
"You are always wanting answers, labels, definers. Sometimes it is not always easy to define. Here things exist/ They are here because they no longer belong where they were."
"Oh, like extinct animals, species. But what's up with the socks, keys, toys, etc?" She inhales sharply as something dawns on her, "Wait, does this mean I'm extinct? Am I dead?!?"
"Hmmmm, which should I answer first, " Perh muses.
"This is no time to mess with my head, Perh. Am I dead? I mean, in the real world?"
"Real World? Everything is real and yet as perceived, nothing is. That is what you do not understand. This place is as real as any other. Just because you label things doesn't make them absolutes. Are you dead. No, not in the sense that you are imagining. At the moment, you are just experiencing a different existence than you are normally used to. It is the same with these." Perh gestures towards the sleeping saber-tooth, a mammoth, odd looking insects and foliage. "They no longer belong in the world you come from. This is like a transition place, if you will. Eventually, they will move on to something else. Another place, another form."
"Oh my god, I am dead! Do they know? Do they think I just disappeared? Are they looking for me? Do they...., " Ember rambles.
"Stop that, you silly girl. You are not dead! To the people in your world, well, you are not there at the moment, but time as you label it, is relative. What is time? Ahhhhh, one more of your definitions, labels. There is no time here, there is no need. In your world, things function better with this 'time' thing defined."
"So how long have I been gone. I mean in... my... world? I would hate to know they are worrying about me," adding under her breath, "not that I'm not."
Perh pauses to contemplate the question, then disappears from her shoulder and reappears instantly floating in front of her. "I can not say what the time is in 'your world', but here you have been sleeping, just there," pointing to the tiger, "for about... what would seem... to you anyways... to be three years. But really..."
"Three years!! I've been sleeping for three years!!! How long have I been gone?"
"Tsk Tsk, no need to yell. As I said time is relative. I can not say how long you have been gone. One does not know in your world. For your body, in terms you might understand, physiologically speaking, three years has aged."
"Grrr, " Ember puffs, then pauses and sighs, "so really to them, I could have been missing years or not at all?"
"Exactly! time is relative!!" Perh smiles and claps his paws joyfully.
Ember paces a bit, kicking at the piles of socks. "So....no, never mind." A few seconds later, she pauses, "but....," then continues to pace. "I...." she starts and then closes her mouth and begins shaking her head.
Quietly to himself, Perhluna says, "and they say I am the strange creature." Ember shoots him a disapproving look, obviously overhearing him.
"I should just stop asking questions, shouldn't I?" she asks, finally.
"Ember, questions are always good. Remember you have a mission, that is why you are here. Never stop asking for then you stop learning........ but maybe not ask so many all at once, " he adds with a lopsided grin.
"But it's so frustrating. And your answers can be annoying. Like they are not answers at all! Or there is some deeper meaning I'm supposed to get. But I don't and then I get agitated trying and..."
"Do not get annoyed with me. This is just how I am and part of the process I am here to guide you on, one we all must undertake in some way. And as your kind would say, 'it's part of my charm'. With this last statement, he squeals with laughter and spins until he falls down into the socks, then reappears on her shoulder with a grin. Ember can't help to laugh in spite of her frustration. "Ok, so tell me, " thumping him on the nose lightly, "what is up with these socks?"
"They are lost things, just like those, " he shrugs, pointing to some toys, "and those," pointing to what appears to be paragraphs of letters or emails scrolling in the air, "and you. Come let's look around and see what we'll find."
Ember takes a moment to look around, then shakes her head and heads down what appears to be a path in between some sock draped foliage........

Friday, September 28, 2012
Episode 10
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Episode 9
In her sleep, Ember absently swatted at
the bushy tale that swished back and forth across her nose. Groggily,
she moaned, “Perhluna, stop that.”
“When did you rename --- or should I
ask what’s this Perhluna you’re dreaming about sleepy head?” a
deep voice behind her chuckled.
Ember’s eyes flew open and she almost
toppled from her chair, sending Nym, Nuet and her keyboard flying.
“Wyndel!” she exclaimed launching herself into his surprised
“Is it really you? I thought I’d
never see you again! Especially after the Water Tart had you…and
then there was the cheese and the dragon and the”
“Whoa there, little sis. Slow down.
Wow, that must have been some dream.”
“Are you going to sleep all day?”
Misty calls from the hall. Ember lets go of Wyndel long enough to
grab Misty and pull her into the hug. “Alrighty then, nice to see
you, too, sis.”
“Well, what am I chopped liver?
Where’s my hug?” Fossylia teases as she enters the room.
“I’m back! You’re all here! Oh,
where’s Elspeth? You’re never going to believe where I’ve been.
I thought I’d be stuck… and gosh, I missed you all, but it was
exciting, sorta scary at times, but…wait what day is it? How long…”
“Em, breathe. You were just dreaming.
Aunt Ellie said you’ve been up here on the computer since dinner
yesterday. You must have fallen asleep. You really need to stop these
all night computer sessions and get outside more. You’re lucky to
have a job that lets you work from here, but there is a whole world
out there you are missing. We worry about you always being cooped up
in here with your computer.” Fossylia admonishes.
“Yeah, you need to hit the town with
us tonight. My firm is in charge of the opening of a new gallery in
Epirotes Falls and I want to show off my beautiful sisters. Well,
we’ll have to comb that hair of yours and see if Aunt Elspeth can
do some real magic and make Fossy presentable, but….owww!” All
three women playfully punch, Wyndel before he can continue. “I’m
just saying. But first, I think I smell some of Ellie’s fine
cooking downstairs. Race you…” The four take off for the
staircase, playfully dodging and pushing each other; looking more
like children than the adults they are.
“You sound like a pack of wild
animals, “ Elspeth chides, shaking her head and chuckling. She
removes a pie from the oven and sets it on the counter to cool, only
to be grabbed from behind by Ember.
“Oh, Aunt Ellie, how I’ve missed
you!” Ember gushes, as she presses herself against the woman who
raised her. “And I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I
smelled your roasted chicken… squash casserole and… is that your
soda bread?”
“Well everybody sit down and let’s
eat while it’s still hot, “ Elspeth says as she extracts herself
from Ember’s embrace. “Ember, why don’t you tell us all about
that adventure story you’ve been working on, “ she adds with a
Ember’s jaw drops, but Elspeth just
pushes her chin up to close her mouth, then pats her shoulder and
gives her a knowing look.
“Is that what you were babbling about
upstairs?” “Story? What story?” Fossy and Wyndel say at the
same time.
Clearing her throat first, Ember begins
to tell them of the adventure her “character” is experiencing.
They all begin passing dishes, filling their plates and eating as
they listen to her story, occasionally interrupting with comments and
questions. As the meal wore on, Ember took a moment to really see her
family, while they enjoyed a new animated side of their shy sister,
Ember was about to tell them about the Druid Derrick, when suddenly
she was jolted awake by Perhluna’s chattering.
“NO!!” she cried, “No, no, no! I
can’t have been dreaming!”
Perhluna disappears from his perch on
the windowsill and reappears in Ember’s lap. “Dream? Is that what
you human’s call that motor sound you were making when you sleep?”
“I do not snore! And no… dreaming
is…. Oh, Perhluna, I was home. I was with my family. We were eating
dinner and I was telling them about you and this place. It was so
real! I can still smell the peach pie…. No, no, no! It’s not
“Well, this world must not be through
with you yet.” Perhluna said with a shrug as he popped back to the
window, then added, “Derrick is up to something strange in those
woods.There are strange sounds and lights coming from them when he
goes in… look he’s about to enter them again. Come see!”
Perhluna continued chattering as Ember
crossed to the window, just in time to see Derrick turn and look
behind himself before he disappeared in the trees.
“We should follow him…” Perhluna
“I don’t know. You saw how upset he
got when I was wondering around before.”
“Hmm. What do you call it…hmm… oh
yes… CHICKEN!”
“What!?! Fine, but if he gets mad,
I’m telling him it was yooouuuuur iiiidddeeeaaa!” As Ember opens
the bedroom door everything goes black and she has the sensation of
Back in Tennessee, just outside
Epirotes Falls city limits, Ember’s family is gathering around the
breakfast table.
Yawning, Misty says, “man, I had the
strangest dream about Ember…”
“ I had a dream about Ember. We were
all eating dinner…” Fossy adds before Wyndel finishes her
thought, “and she was telling us a story about a woman who gets
drawn into the internet world.”
Fossy and Misty simultaneously exclaim,
Aunt Elspeth chuckles, “Well
it seems we all had the same dream. Maybe Ember is trying to speak to
us from where ever she has gone….”
(Originally posted 7/22/10 on CC-Chronicles.blogspot.com)
Episode 8
brought them to a windy landing in a small clearing just in time to
see this classic, tall-dark-and-handsome kinda guy doing something
that looked like kung fu. Best of all he wasn’t wearing a
shirt and his nut-brown skin was shiny with sweat. The thick
black cord of a braid caressed his spine to well below his belt,
barely moving as he worked his way meticulously through each
movement. Ember firmly wished he wasn’t Jerome; he had become
increasingly disturbing with each incarnation, or whatever it was, he
went through.
landing didn’t go unnoticed though - it really couldn’t after
all. Illustratia was really quite large. The man watched
them land and as soon as Illustratia had come to rest, he bowed his
head. “I am honored, Eldest. What can I do for you?”
melted down into a human female, causing Ember to step to the side in
surprise, but Illustratia paid the move no mind. Standing over
six feet, Illustratia’s features were very angular, very exotic,
and her hair was, of all things, blue. It was cut straight
around just short of her shoulders, and her bangs were cut straight
across her forehead at her eyebrows. She smiled. “Oh
Derrick; you are always so formal.” She wrapped an arm around
Ember. “I brought you a friend. Everyone knows you’ve
been very lonely lately.”
stepped forward, extending her hand. “Hello, I’m Ember.
I take it you’re Derrick.”
accepted her hand. His gaze was very intense, as if she
occupied all of his attention at that moment, though there was no
change in his expression. It was impossible to tell if he was
happy to see her or if he hated her.
am.” He glanced at the grinning Illustratia. “How is
it you met up with one of the . . . with a dragon?”
good, you’re getting to know each other,” said Illustratia.
“I knew you would like her, Derrick.”
looked at her in confusion.
you didn’t send for me?” said Ember. Now she too was
looking at the blue-haired ex-dragon.
could I send for you? I don’t know you.”
just grinned, and with a very dragon-like chuckle, she turned back in
to a dragon and flew off, buffeting them both with the wind from her
what do I do?” said Ember, feeling quite stranded.
have no idea,” said Derrick, then he smiled. He had a very
nice smile. It softened his brown eyes. “You could come
into my house, if you like. You can tell me how you met up with
a dragon. They keep themselves in hiding most of the time.”
a gentle hand in the center of her back, Derrick started them toward
the house. It was a log house, and part of it was two stories.
He snagged up a flannel shirt from a small table in passing.
paused at the little table. “This is beautiful. Do you
make furniture?” She caressed the smooth surface; every inch
of it was sanded to a fine finish, leaving no edge or corner
untouched - none she could see anyway.
. . . I do, sometimes. Would you like to sit here? I
could bring out a little something to snack on, or perhaps something
to drink.”
all about any manners, Ember said, “Food? I’m starved.
I can’t remember the last time I’ve had a decent meal.”
When as she heard her own words, she cringed. What would Aunt
Elspeth say? “Oh - well, if it’s not an imposition.”
a warm chuckle, he said, “No imposition at all.” He then
disappeared into the house.
she waited for him to return, Ember looked around the clearing.
It looked very wild and yet cared for. No dead trees were
visible and several flowers could be seen, having grown in wild
abandon along with everything else in sight. The wild grass
wasn’t mowed, but it did look grazed somewhat.
saw something move in the trees and decided to investigate. If
it was a deer, she would have stayed put, but it looked like a person
or perhaps a child. Did he have kids? Would he produce a
wife when he came out of the house?
Honey?” she called out quietly so as not to frighten the kid.
“It’s alright. I just want to talk.”
few minutes later, she found a tiny clearing with a picturesque pond
in the middle. Just a bit to the right was a large block of
stone. It was partially buried in the soil, but it still looked
like it might have been shaped, though why someone would go to the
trouble of shaping a rock into a square, she couldn’t fathom.
went on to the pond. It was a tiny thing. A trickle of
fresh water fed it from one side and another trickle led off down
hill. Not quite half way between the two and only a step from
the edge was a small flat stone, perfect for sitting if it wasn’t
surrounded by water.
place is so peaceful,’ thought Ember with a sigh. She was
just turning, intending to go back to that big block of stone and sit
for a little while, when she saw Derrick. If his expression was
stone when he first saw him, it was thunder now.
are you doing here?” Without waiting for her to answer, he
grabbed her arm and propelled her from the clearing. Though his
grip didn’t hurt, and though the pace he insisted on wasn’t
enough to make her stumble, there was no resisting and no escaping
his hold.
the table again, he spun her around and plopped her into her chair.
“You are a guest here so long as you . . . .” He clamped
his jaws closed on whatever he was going to say. Pointing back
to where they had just come from. “Do not go there again.”
asked Ember.
will not be so nice next time.”
studied his face. Gone was the warm smile. The furious
thundercloud was mostly gone now too, leaving the stone. But
the contents of the table smelled so good and her stomach didn’t
care what his expression was.
the table was a wooden tray holding two steaming bowls, also made of
wood, full of what looked like oatmeal only it also had chunks of
meat stirred in and a couple boiled eggs on top. Also on the
tray was a round loaf of bread, two wooden cups and a wooden pitcher
of water.
I didn’t know if you wanted breakfast or lunch but this pretty much
covers both. It’s simple.” He took his bowl and
strode off to come to a halt several paces away.
sorry,” Ember called after him. She was more than sorry; she
was devastated. Whatever caused her to go nosing around this
kind stranger’s property? Maybe she was just tired. She
ate numbly, but she’d only eaten a few bites when her host returned
to sit at the table.
never did tell me how you met up with a dragon,” he said as he set
his bowl down and sank into the other chair.
really sorry. I won’t go there again.”
lifted his bowl again and leaned back in his chair, waiting for her
tale while he ate.
it’s really crazy.” She sighed. “I think I’m
having this horrible nightmare. You see, until now, the last
normal thing I remember was falling asleep at my computer.
Suddenly I was in some side remnant of the movie Gattaca and Jude Law
and Uma Thurman, only they insisted they were Jerome and Irene, were
running away from security.” She stopped. Why was she
pouring out a dream to this stranger?
was looking at her and there was a small quirk to one corner of his
mouth. “Please continue.”
it’s so stupid, and it gets worse.”
the dragon in your nightmare somewhere?”
yeah. She saved me from becoming lost in cyberspace.”
what?” His words came out with a chuckle and the quirk was
more pronounced.
he was going to laugh at her. She hoped he didn’t laugh at
her. She washed her meal down with a mouthful of water and then
broke off a chunk of the bread - there was no knife. “Well,
that’s what she told me it was. Anyway we were supposed to go
to the Kormosny village where we could hide, and from there we were
supposed to go to the Mystic Falls. Well, I thought that, if I
had fallen asleep at my computer, I could wake up if I thought of
myself hitting the right keys and exiting the program.”
thought this was a dream.”
it’s such a bad dream. Anyway, it didn’t work and I got
lost. I went from King Arthur’s castle in the winter to being
baked into a watery tart. And then I woke up in a river and
Jack Sparrow was helping me out, only he wasn’t Jack Sparrow or
even King Arthur, he was Jerome again. I don’t know what
happened to Irene.” She tore into the bread, certain she was
blushing furiously. “He took me to the Empress. Um . .
. there were others there . . . um . . . they were all naked or
mostly so. The Empress made me give up my brother’s email so
I could leave.” She dropped the bread to her bowl and felt a
tear slide down her cheek. She knew he was in no danger, but it
sounded so selfish now that she was explaining it to someone else.
do you cry?” asked Derrick. “Is your brother now dead?”
had leaned forward to look at her lowered face.
he’s not dead, but he’s her love slave now, until she tires of
him.” She sniffed and he was holding a hanky for her to
take. She blew her nose and wiped her tears away. With an
exaggerated sigh, she continued. “I got away alright but the
next place made no sense at all. And I don't know what part is a
dream and what part is real. Next I knew I was falling through
this black whirl, lit only by twisted letters and numbers. That’s
where Illustratia found me. She took me to the Misty World,
telling me to look for Arial Hollyberry. I rescued this girl
from a falling . . . something. It looked like a giant bat -
sort of. I don’t know what it was, but it would have crushed
her if it had hit her.
was dark and she was afraid of wandering around in the dark so we sat
there and talked. She told me her name was Tami and that her
best friend was Princess Arial, daughter of Queen Orlaith, the High
Queen of the Frost Faeries and ruler of the Winter Realm.”
you say Orlaith?” asked Derrick, leaning forward again.
Do you know that name?”
Keep going; this is interesting.”
almost fell asleep only Perhluna starts throwing berries at me.”
he’s supposed to be my guide; he’s not a very good guide.
He’s a Kormosny - from the first.”
Kormosny? Oh - the village where you were supposed to hide.
I remember. Go on.”
ate the berries and thank goodness, cause then we could hear each
other’s thoughts, and the trees too. Then the trees snatched
us up off the ground. They said they were saving us from the
Shahinian. They had come looking for Tami. We had to be
very quiet.”
- what did they look like?”
you know them too?”
really ugly. They look like they just crawled out of a mucky
swamp, and not the kind with a lot of water either, all covered with
sticky mud and dead leaves and things, and they had really big eyes.”
groaned. “Where is this Misty World?”
don’t know. You’ll have to ask Illustratia. I
certainly don’t want to go back there. Anyway, we were just
reuniting with the faeries when she came and got me again. She
said it was real urgent that I come here, that you had asked for me.
And here I am.” She started to cry again.
what?” asked Derrick as he reached over and brushed away a new tear
with a gentle thumb.
just realized - I can’t tell if this is still the nightmare or
not. I don’t know if I’m sleeping or awake.”
I do know that you are very tired. I can see it. Why
don’t you go upstairs and sleep in my bed for a while. I have
a few things I need to do. When I get back, we can discuss how
to get you home.”
You will do that?”
can make no promises. This place is a long ways from most
anywhere. I like it that way. Go on upstairs and take a
nap. I’ll be back in a few hours.”
rose, and Derrick followed suite, showing her to the door and opening
it for her.
stairs are on through there.” He pointed as if there might
have been some kind of choice.
took a few steps and then turned to tell him thank you, only he
already had the door closed. But then she was this gorgeous bow
hanging above the door, and beside the door, on one of the three pegs
there, was a quiver full of arrows. She pulled one out and
looked at it. It was two, many three times as heavy as any
arrow she had ever seen. It was nearly as thick as her thumb,
and had a tiny chip of black flint for a tip, and the feathers - as
she was fingering the grayish brown feathers, she realized that the
arrow had to be hand-made. Standing on tip-toes, she lifted
down the bow. It too was quite heavy. It was also quite
exotic. She couldn’t even tell what it was made out of since
it didn’t look like wood, but it didn’t look like metal either.
She gave a tip an experimental flex and instantly knew that, if it
was strung, she likely wouldn’t have been able to move the string,
let alone launch one of the heavy arrows from it. As she
stretched to replace it, she wondered what mountain of a man had used
it. Though Derrick was well built, he didn’t look strong
enough to draw that heavy bow.
back to the rest of the room, she saw a fireplace and could tell that
it was open into the next room. Despite the heat, a tiny fire
burned on the hearth, fed by a tiny pile of woodchips.
she ventured on through. As promised, there was the stairs but
the novelty of this room took some time to figure out. There
was a wide assortment of pots and pans and utensils, and yet she saw
no stove for cooking. As soon as that realization settled in,
she realized that there was no refrigerator or even a sink.
looked at the tiny fire again. Hanging there to the side of the
fireplace, was an iron pot, but when she looked in it, it was
spotless. He had only been in here for a few minutes, and he
had produced a hot meal. When had he cleaned up? There
was no obvious answer so she turned for the stairs.
soon as her head cleared the upper floor, she spotted something she
never expected to see. Standing in the corner of the room was a
suit of armor complete with a sword. It wasn’t the standard
knight’s armor either. On a six-foot T was a chain mail
shirt, and over that a green enameled breastplate was buckled.
On a small shelf under that were other pieces of green enameled
metal. Next to that was the bed; it looked totally inviting.
around as she ascended - there was no short wall around the stairwell
- the first thing she saw was another fireplace, also with a tiny
fire. But the most welcome sight of all was the small table
sitting in the next corner. On it - of all things - was a
satellite phone. She couldn’t get up the stairs fast enough.
Rushing the rest of the way up the stairs, she slid to her knees in
front of the small table. She snatched it up and found the
power button. The sound of the dial tone caused her heart to
swell choking her ability to speak but just as she was going to start
punching numbers, she realized that she didn’t know anyone’s
phone number. She never called anyone on the phone, though she
took calls all the time. Sobbing, she turned the phone off
again and stumbled to the bed. The thought that she just might
be tired didn’t help much, but it didn’t stop her from falling
asleep. She really was so tired....
(Originally Posted 3/12/10 on
http://annalwalls.blogspot.com/2010/03/ember-in-wrilogozia-episode-11.html )
Episode 7
In a moment of panic, Ember struggled
against the vines until one of the leaves whispered into her ear, “Be
calm or the Shahinian will hear you.”
“Ember, What are we doing hanging by our feet up in the tree tops!? Oh, I think I'm getting a headache!” Ember glanced over at Tami and realized that she had heard the voice in her head, because Tami’s mouth was covered as well.
At first she tried to speak aloud and then realized her own mouth was still covered. “I think the… trees are trying to help us from something called the Shahinian” she thought to Tami. She heard Tami gasp in her mind as she heard scuffling below them.
“Those are the shifters the Queen and Arial warned me about. They are below us.”
“Why are these tree thingies hiding us from them and how can we hear each other’s thoughts and where is Perhluna?”
“Whoa, slow down. One questions at a time,” Tami thought to her. “Perhluna vanished into thin air right after he woke me by shoving a berry in my mouth. Did you eat the berries? I think that is why we can hear each other’s thoughts. You have to be careful what you eat in faerie realm. I’m not really sure what the Shahinian are exactly. Arial referred to them as shape-shifters and said they are dangerous to our kind.”
“That sounds like Perh. First sign of trouble and he does his disappearing act. I did eat the berries. They were delicious and I think it’s a good thing we ate them since we can’t speak out loud. What do we do now we can’t stay like this forever.”
Below them on the forest floor the dark shuffling forms were beginning to take shape. They seemed to grow right out of the ground and underbrush. They had a humanoid form that was stooped. Their mucky brownish skin appeared to be covered with a mixture of hair, leaves, mud and debris. Almost like a walking bird’s nest with a face. The faces were very flat and dark making their eyes seem enormous. Looking at them made Ember blink and that is when she realized they didn’t seem to have eyelids but above their eyes where eyebrows should have been they had what looked like small trees growing out of their foreheads. Their ears reminded her of a bat and seemed to move in direction of sound. Because of the darkness on the forest floor it was hard to tell how many were below them. Ember had a hard time seeing them as dangerous because they looked so sad.
Suddenly the leaves got denser and blocked the creatures from view. Tami & Ember looked at each other but before they could say anything the leaves around them began chattering. If they weren’t in the midst of all the leaves it might have sounded like wind rustling them, but this close, they could make out distinct faint voices. One of the leaves close to them began to speak to them directly.
“You must remain silent, the Shahinian must not know you are here. It will be very bad if they catch you.”
“What are they? What do they want with us?” Ember asked.
“ The Shahinian are cursed. They have lost souls and are unable to feel. They live in the swamps of the dark forest and only venture out to steal the souls of other so they can experience what it is like to feel again. You are human, therefore the most prized to them. Your life force is like a beacon that draws them out. If they catch you they will steal your souls and you will become one of them and be trapped here forever. Only the Dryad races are immune to them, which is why we are hiding you.”
Another leaf face added, “but you will not be safe here for long. We must get you out of the out of the forest.”
“How can we get out of the forest?” Tami and Ember said in unison.
“Shhhhhh. You humans are so loud. You must trust us we will move you through the tops of our limbs until you are safely away. But you must not make any sounds.” With that Ember and Tami found themselves being lifted higher and passed from vine to vine, limb to limb over the top of the forest. As they went, they would occasionally catch bits of conversations among the Dryads. Ember kept her eyes closed, never liking heights and tried not to think about being whisked through the air so quickly.
After what seemed like only a few minutes, Ember felt a change in their direction and her eyes flew open as she instinctively braced herself for the fall she sensed. She realized they were at the edge of a clearing. Stretched out before her was a kaleidoscope field of flowers. As her feet touched the ground she saw Tami running ahead of her towards a swirling cloud in the center of the field.
“Tami, wait!” Fearing for her new friend she ran after her, but as they got closer she realized what had looked like a cloud were hundreds of faeries.
“That’s Arial and the fae.” Perhluna said in her ear as he appeared on her shoulder when she came to a stop.
“Perhluna! Where did you go?”
“I was around. You know here and there.”
Ember walked slowly up to Tami and the faeries flitting around her. “Ember, come meet Arial and my friends.”
“Welcome Fiery One. We are indebted to you for saving the Kind One and bringing her safely here,” Arial said as she hovered in front of Ember’s face.
Ember giggled at being called the Fiery One. “It was the Dryads that saved us really.”
Before anyone else could say anything the wind seemed to pick up tossing the faeries about and a dark shadow crossed over them.
As she landed next to them, Illustratia called, “Ember, it’s time to go. The Druid Derrick sent me to bring you to him. Hurry, we must not make him wait!”
“Hurry, we must go. Say your goodbyes.” Illustratia puffed at her.
Ember turned to Tami, “I guess this means goodbye…”
“For now. We will see each other again, friend. I am sure of it. Any message I can pass on back in our world? Tami said as she embraced her. “And thanks for saving my life back there.”
Fighting back tears, “we will. If you happen to run into Aunt Elspeth, tell her I’m okay and I miss her. She speaks to faeries too.”
Through a swirling pool at the edge of a lake in another realm, a darkly cloaked figure watched Illustratia take flight with Ember & Perhluna on her back…..
“Ember, What are we doing hanging by our feet up in the tree tops!? Oh, I think I'm getting a headache!” Ember glanced over at Tami and realized that she had heard the voice in her head, because Tami’s mouth was covered as well.
At first she tried to speak aloud and then realized her own mouth was still covered. “I think the… trees are trying to help us from something called the Shahinian” she thought to Tami. She heard Tami gasp in her mind as she heard scuffling below them.
“Those are the shifters the Queen and Arial warned me about. They are below us.”
“Why are these tree thingies hiding us from them and how can we hear each other’s thoughts and where is Perhluna?”
“Whoa, slow down. One questions at a time,” Tami thought to her. “Perhluna vanished into thin air right after he woke me by shoving a berry in my mouth. Did you eat the berries? I think that is why we can hear each other’s thoughts. You have to be careful what you eat in faerie realm. I’m not really sure what the Shahinian are exactly. Arial referred to them as shape-shifters and said they are dangerous to our kind.”
“That sounds like Perh. First sign of trouble and he does his disappearing act. I did eat the berries. They were delicious and I think it’s a good thing we ate them since we can’t speak out loud. What do we do now we can’t stay like this forever.”
Below them on the forest floor the dark shuffling forms were beginning to take shape. They seemed to grow right out of the ground and underbrush. They had a humanoid form that was stooped. Their mucky brownish skin appeared to be covered with a mixture of hair, leaves, mud and debris. Almost like a walking bird’s nest with a face. The faces were very flat and dark making their eyes seem enormous. Looking at them made Ember blink and that is when she realized they didn’t seem to have eyelids but above their eyes where eyebrows should have been they had what looked like small trees growing out of their foreheads. Their ears reminded her of a bat and seemed to move in direction of sound. Because of the darkness on the forest floor it was hard to tell how many were below them. Ember had a hard time seeing them as dangerous because they looked so sad.
Suddenly the leaves got denser and blocked the creatures from view. Tami & Ember looked at each other but before they could say anything the leaves around them began chattering. If they weren’t in the midst of all the leaves it might have sounded like wind rustling them, but this close, they could make out distinct faint voices. One of the leaves close to them began to speak to them directly.
“You must remain silent, the Shahinian must not know you are here. It will be very bad if they catch you.”
“What are they? What do they want with us?” Ember asked.
“ The Shahinian are cursed. They have lost souls and are unable to feel. They live in the swamps of the dark forest and only venture out to steal the souls of other so they can experience what it is like to feel again. You are human, therefore the most prized to them. Your life force is like a beacon that draws them out. If they catch you they will steal your souls and you will become one of them and be trapped here forever. Only the Dryad races are immune to them, which is why we are hiding you.”
Another leaf face added, “but you will not be safe here for long. We must get you out of the out of the forest.”
“How can we get out of the forest?” Tami and Ember said in unison.
“Shhhhhh. You humans are so loud. You must trust us we will move you through the tops of our limbs until you are safely away. But you must not make any sounds.” With that Ember and Tami found themselves being lifted higher and passed from vine to vine, limb to limb over the top of the forest. As they went, they would occasionally catch bits of conversations among the Dryads. Ember kept her eyes closed, never liking heights and tried not to think about being whisked through the air so quickly.
After what seemed like only a few minutes, Ember felt a change in their direction and her eyes flew open as she instinctively braced herself for the fall she sensed. She realized they were at the edge of a clearing. Stretched out before her was a kaleidoscope field of flowers. As her feet touched the ground she saw Tami running ahead of her towards a swirling cloud in the center of the field.
“Tami, wait!” Fearing for her new friend she ran after her, but as they got closer she realized what had looked like a cloud were hundreds of faeries.
“That’s Arial and the fae.” Perhluna said in her ear as he appeared on her shoulder when she came to a stop.
“Perhluna! Where did you go?”
“I was around. You know here and there.”
Ember walked slowly up to Tami and the faeries flitting around her. “Ember, come meet Arial and my friends.”
“Welcome Fiery One. We are indebted to you for saving the Kind One and bringing her safely here,” Arial said as she hovered in front of Ember’s face.
Ember giggled at being called the Fiery One. “It was the Dryads that saved us really.”
Before anyone else could say anything the wind seemed to pick up tossing the faeries about and a dark shadow crossed over them.
As she landed next to them, Illustratia called, “Ember, it’s time to go. The Druid Derrick sent me to bring you to him. Hurry, we must not make him wait!”
“Hurry, we must go. Say your goodbyes.” Illustratia puffed at her.
Ember turned to Tami, “I guess this means goodbye…”
“For now. We will see each other again, friend. I am sure of it. Any message I can pass on back in our world? Tami said as she embraced her. “And thanks for saving my life back there.”
Fighting back tears, “we will. If you happen to run into Aunt Elspeth, tell her I’m okay and I miss her. She speaks to faeries too.”
Through a swirling pool at the edge of a lake in another realm, a darkly cloaked figure watched Illustratia take flight with Ember & Perhluna on her back…..
Seth also watched the
trio fly off from his computer screen. Having watched this latest
adventure unfold, Illustratia’s creator had an idea and began
typing code to see if he could send Ember a message…
(Originally Posted 3/8/10 on CC-Chronicles.blogspot)
Episode 6
Tami watched the emotions playing across Ember’s face and wondered what she was thinking. Ember reminded her of a dragonfly - body of strength yet whose delicate wings hint at frailty.
“Penny for your thoughts.”
Ember smiled, “A penny? Well, for all the thoughts spinning through my head right now, that would be a bargain.” They both laughed softly. Ember began to tell her new friend of her adventures so far.
Her new friend had introduced herself as Tami, and now she explained that in the faerie realm, the fae don’t use the names of the mundane world.
“So what do they call you here? And what’s the mundane world?” Ember asked
“Here, I am known as ‘The Kind One’” laughing, she continued, “sometimes the fae refer to humans as mundanes, because we tend to get ourselves in a rut and don’t always experience life to its fullest like they do. We forget to have fun and appreciate the little things, the magick.” She then told Ember all about Arial, the faerie realm, its courts and how she came to be part of it. When she was done, Ember said, ‘So, you are the one I was told was lost.”
from The
Misty World of Arial Hollyberry...
Ember had never
been so happy to see another normal person. Okay
maybe not entirely normal, she did believe in faeries,
she thought, then chuckled, well why
shouldn’t believing in faeries be normal, Aunt Elspeth does too and
would love this lady. The thought
of Elspeth made her wistful yet sad. She missed her family and
Tami watched the emotions playing across Ember’s face and wondered what she was thinking. Ember reminded her of a dragonfly - body of strength yet whose delicate wings hint at frailty.
“Penny for your thoughts.”
Ember smiled, “A penny? Well, for all the thoughts spinning through my head right now, that would be a bargain.” They both laughed softly. Ember began to tell her new friend of her adventures so far.
Her new friend had introduced herself as Tami, and now she explained that in the faerie realm, the fae don’t use the names of the mundane world.
“So what do they call you here? And what’s the mundane world?” Ember asked
“Here, I am known as ‘The Kind One’” laughing, she continued, “sometimes the fae refer to humans as mundanes, because we tend to get ourselves in a rut and don’t always experience life to its fullest like they do. We forget to have fun and appreciate the little things, the magick.” She then told Ember all about Arial, the faerie realm, its courts and how she came to be part of it. When she was done, Ember said, ‘So, you are the one I was told was lost.”
“Who told you I
was lost? Was it Arial?”
“It said it was from Arial.”
At Tami/The Kind One’s confused look, Ember pulled a beautiful purple rose from her pocket. As the petals began to open, a soft lilting voice said, “"Hi Ember! Arial here...please, you must come help! The Kind One ran off into the forest to save her family when she found out that the portal in the ivy hedge had been breached. The whole of the faerie realm is trying to find her. Orlaith is afraid that the shape shifters will find her first... oh the humanities!"
“If I wasn’t hopelessly lost in this dark forest, I would take you through the ivy hedge and you could get home to your family, too. When Arial finds me, I’m sure she will help.”
What neither of them knew, was that the mysterious force that had pulled Ember into Wrilogonzia also kept the Kind One hidden from Arial, the Emerald Guard and the fae that were trying to rescue her. They were on their own as long as Ember stayed with her new found friend.
As their conversation abated and the night seemed to drag on endlessly, Ember felt her eyelids growing heavier. She was afraid if she fell asleep she would wake up somewhere new, and she wasn’t ready to leave her new companion just yet. Just when she thought she couldn’t resist sleeps temptation any longer, a small berry splat on her nose. Jumping, she glanced up in time to have another berry bounce off her forehead and she saw Perhluna hanging upside down from a limb above her head.
Looking over at her friend, and seeing her asleep against the tree trunk, she looked up to address Perhluna, right before he threw another berry at her. “Perrrhhhh! Stop, before I pull you out of that tree and we wake up Tami.”
“Must not fall asleep. Things are lurking and waiting for you to do just that.” Perhluna chided, wagging his finger at her.
“Well, I’m definitely awake now. Hey are those berries edible? I’m suddenly really hungry.”
Perhluna plopped down in her lap and produced a handful of berries out of his pouch. She plucked about half of the berries, “Thank you, these are yummy. Save the rest for Tami, when she wakes up. ” After she had eaten the berries, she began to notice an odd sensation. She felt like she was being watched and could hear what sounded like rustling little voices. She looked over at her new friend, who was still asleep. She slowly stood and looked around, trying to locate the sound. The rustling voices seemed to be all around her and when she squinted she thought she saw faces on the leaves and the trunk of the tree. The whispering increased as she got closer.
“Oh my, Perhluna, where did you get those berries? I’m seeing faces where there shouldn’t be any and …..” as she had moved closer studying the leaves, she failed to noticed the branches snaking around her and her companions, until leaves clamped over her mouth and the branches lifted all three high above the forest floor……..
“It said it was from Arial.”
At Tami/The Kind One’s confused look, Ember pulled a beautiful purple rose from her pocket. As the petals began to open, a soft lilting voice said, “"Hi Ember! Arial here...please, you must come help! The Kind One ran off into the forest to save her family when she found out that the portal in the ivy hedge had been breached. The whole of the faerie realm is trying to find her. Orlaith is afraid that the shape shifters will find her first... oh the humanities!"
“If I wasn’t hopelessly lost in this dark forest, I would take you through the ivy hedge and you could get home to your family, too. When Arial finds me, I’m sure she will help.”
What neither of them knew, was that the mysterious force that had pulled Ember into Wrilogonzia also kept the Kind One hidden from Arial, the Emerald Guard and the fae that were trying to rescue her. They were on their own as long as Ember stayed with her new found friend.
As their conversation abated and the night seemed to drag on endlessly, Ember felt her eyelids growing heavier. She was afraid if she fell asleep she would wake up somewhere new, and she wasn’t ready to leave her new companion just yet. Just when she thought she couldn’t resist sleeps temptation any longer, a small berry splat on her nose. Jumping, she glanced up in time to have another berry bounce off her forehead and she saw Perhluna hanging upside down from a limb above her head.
Looking over at her friend, and seeing her asleep against the tree trunk, she looked up to address Perhluna, right before he threw another berry at her. “Perrrhhhh! Stop, before I pull you out of that tree and we wake up Tami.”
“Must not fall asleep. Things are lurking and waiting for you to do just that.” Perhluna chided, wagging his finger at her.
“Well, I’m definitely awake now. Hey are those berries edible? I’m suddenly really hungry.”
Perhluna plopped down in her lap and produced a handful of berries out of his pouch. She plucked about half of the berries, “Thank you, these are yummy. Save the rest for Tami, when she wakes up. ” After she had eaten the berries, she began to notice an odd sensation. She felt like she was being watched and could hear what sounded like rustling little voices. She looked over at her new friend, who was still asleep. She slowly stood and looked around, trying to locate the sound. The rustling voices seemed to be all around her and when she squinted she thought she saw faces on the leaves and the trunk of the tree. The whispering increased as she got closer.
“Oh my, Perhluna, where did you get those berries? I’m seeing faces where there shouldn’t be any and …..” as she had moved closer studying the leaves, she failed to noticed the branches snaking around her and her companions, until leaves clamped over her mouth and the branches lifted all three high above the forest floor……..
(Originally Posted 2/25/10 on CC-Chronicles.blogspot)
Episode 5
Kind One realizing she was lost in the dark forest at night, cried
out for Arial. A spectral ghostly faerie appeared in the mist. The
faerie whispered, and promised to take The Kind One to safety. It was
just a ruse to give the being a chance to lull her with mind-numbing
spells. The Kind One was drifting into unconsciousness and breathing
with great difficulty. She was dying.
the very last moment before she totally succumbed, golden lights like
fireflies drifted through the mist and landed on her outstretched
hand. Then they gathered and formed a large orb of golden light which
catapulted straight at the misty faerie. She shrieked, as her true
self was revealed. This was no faerie at all, but some evil creature
with black eyes and leathery wings.
hit the mossy ground hard. The beast, now devoid of all life was
spiraling out of control and heading, face first straight
toward the spot where I had landed. I could hear its wings whistling
through the sky as it plummeted earthward. I knew I would be crushed
if I didn’t move fast but my brain wasn’t sending the message to
my legs so I just sat there, watching the large, bulky body growing
ever larger. Blocking out more and more of the sparkling orbs as it
was jerked, unceremoniously, behind a towering oak tree at the last
minute. The lifeless body of the enormous creature hit the ground
hard, making a huge crater in the soft earth. The impact shook the
surrounding forest like a bomb, sending dirt and debris flying in
every direction.
I shook my head and rotated my shoulder. The feeling was beginning to
return causing it to ache and throb. “I could have been totally
smashed!” A young woman with long fiery red hair stepped out from
behind the tree and stood by my side. “Yeah, you really could have.
Good thing I dropped by.”
jumped back at the sound of another human voice. Keeping a small bush
between us (I don’t really know what protection a small bush would
afford but it was all I had) I stared at the stranger in shock and
amazement. “Who are you!? And where did you come from?” I was
having a hard time keeping the stress of my recent brush with death
out of my voice. I shook a half closed fist at her. “Don’t come
any closer or I’ll, or I’ll…”
you’ll what? She brushed her hair back away from her face and
smiled. “Is that any way to say thank you? I just saved your life.”
pulled up my tattered gown and sat down on a soft patch of moss and
indicated for her to sit beside me. “I’m so sorry, I have had a
really bad night. Seeing someone else in this
forest, alone,
gave me a quite a fright. You can’t really trust things to be what
they look like in the fairy realm.”
I understand, I have had so many adventures that nothing surprises me
any more. But I’m not alone.” She leaned back and reached
behind a small tree. “You can come out now.” I watched as a small
fury creature with large owl eyes and hands that look like they were
borrowed from a spider money crawled from under a bush and onto the
girls shoulders, wrapping its thick, bushy, tail around her neck.
“Let me introduce myself. I am Ember
Innocenzi and this is
Perhluna, my traveling companion.” Perhluna waggled hello with flat
tipped fingers. “As for where we came from…that’s complicated.
But I can tell you that we were dropped here by a very accommodating
dragon by the name of Illustratia.”
afraid that you haven’t had a very warm welcome. The faerie realm
is a lovely place and the gardens around the queens palace are very
peaceful. But the dark wood can be dangerous at night. I think we had
better stay put until first light. Maybe Arial will have found us by
leaned my head against the oak tree and closed my eyes, aware of
Ember’s curious stare. Without opening my eyes, I asked the
question. “Yes?”
disentangled the furry tail and went off in search of something to
eat and Ember laid down on her side, propping her head in her hand.
“Who is Arial?”
pictured Arial in my mind and smiled. “Arial is my
traveling companion, and so much more.” I wiped a single tear from
my cheek. “Formally she is known as Princess Arial, Daughter of
Queen Orlaith, the High Queen of the Frost Faeries and ruler of the
winter realm.” I opened one eye and glanced over at Ember, who had
scrunched her mouth to one side in quizzical disbelief. “Yeah, I
know. You have to spend some time in the faerie realm to get the full
both laughed out loud then clapped our hands over our mouths out of
fear that we might attract some deadly attention. Nudging each other
back and forth with our shoulders and sniggering softly, we waited
for dawn. I knew I had found a new friend.
Tami Ruesch, The Misty World of Arial Hollyberry, 2009-2010
(Originally posted 2/17/12 on http://fairiefabels.com/2010/02/ember-in-faerie-land/ )
Episode 4
“Wha---?” Ember ducks at Perhluna’s warning, barely be missed by a stream of glowing letters, symbols and numbers flying past her head. She spins around watching other similar streams zip around them.
“Perhluna, what is this place? Where are we? Why is it so dark? What are those?” she asks, pointing to the glowing strands of digits that offer the only source of light.
Unwrapping himself from around Ember’s neck, Perhluna settles on her shoulder with his long tail encircling her neck like a fur scarf. “I would think that is obvious.”
“Obvious? Perh, I am not in the mood for your riddles. Just tell me.” Perhluna grins at her mischievously, but says nothing. “Fine, we are in some sort of black hole, dodging …. whatever those, those strands are. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone version of Sesame Street and any minute Bert, Ernie and the count are going to pop up. Seriously, what is this place?”
Perhluna sighs, “well, you can certainly stand in for Oscar, the Grouch.” Ember crosses her arms and begins tapping her foot in annoyance, which elicits a chuckle from Perhluna. “Alright, I’ll tell you where we are. Although why you can’t figure it out yourself is beyond me. Must be a human thing.” Ember glares at him, but in the dimness, it makes her look like she is squinting and fails to intimidate. “We are in cyberspace, more specifically, this is where all the HTML code is written. Call it the brain of the internet.”
“Oh” was all Ember managed as she looked around her, quickly ducking under another stream of code and then moving Perhluna’s hands away from her eyes, as he struggled to hang on. “How did we end up here?”
“That’s easy, we aren’t published.”
“We aren’t published?..... oh, you mean on someone’s site.”
“Exactly. This is where all the random things on the internet stay until someone sends or publishes.”
“So there is just a bunch of code swimming around in he….what is that?” Ember points to a multicolored glowing spot that seems to be coming towards them and growing in size.
“ I believe that would be a dragon and you might want to start running because she is headed straight for us. RUNNNNNN!”
Gasping as the dragon begins to come into focus in the darkened space, Ember begins running. Looking over her shoulder, she sees the dragon gaining on them. It’s huge wings sending ripples of air against her back. Suddenly she realizes the ground below her has given way and they are falling through the blackness; the dragon in pursuit and quickly gaining on them. Ember screams as she feels the dragon’s claws close around her arms.
“Please dear, stop that ghastly noise. You act as if I’m going to eat you.” The dragon’s voice is soft and lyrical with a slight accent Ember can’t quite place. The gentleness of it’s tone and it’s melodic chuckle, makes her go instantly silent as she gazes up at the neck and chin of this mystical creature. “This can not be happening,” Ember thinks as she is mesmerized by the iridescent scales that seem to swirl with all the colors of the rainbow under a silvery shell.
“Of course it can! Anything can happen in Wrilogonzia. The only limits are the limits of ones imagination. Oh my goodness, where are my manners? My name is Illustratia. Where can I drop you off?”
Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the surrealism of the situation, Ember decides her best bet is to introduce herself and see if Illustratia knows how to get her back to her own computer. “I’m Ember and I have somehow gotten trapped inside this…place…and I really need to get back to my own computer so I can go home. Can you take me there?”
“Dear me, I would love to be able to do that, only I don’t know where your computer is. You see, cyberspace is full of these portals and worm holes, you just have to know the right path. Can you give me directions? “
“That’s just it, I don’t know how I got to this place so I don’t know which path will take me back. And how can you find anything in this blackness. “
“Well, you have gotten yourself in a jam, but I see you have a guide. Although his type IS notorious for being a trickster.”
“Hey, I haven’t tricked her, yet.” Perhluna grumbles.
“Well Perh, you haven’t helped that much either. Illustratia, how did you get in this place?”
“I was born in the mind of an adventurous young man with a talent for drawing. One day he must have gotten tired of me flitting about his head, so he drew me. Then he scanned me into his computer. Oh my curiosity got the better of me and I flew off to explore. Now, humans are forever trying to trap me on their blogs, websites and screens, but I am too quick to be caught. Wrilogonzia is a fascinating place and I love exploring and meeting all the interesting creatures, like yourself.” Unbeknownst to this odd party the artistic programmer is watching them with growing fascination for the girl with the hair of fire.
Ember laughs, “I’ve never been referred to as a creature before. Don’t you ever want to go home to your creator?”
Sighing, “Of course, but I have forgotten the way. I know one day he will find me and show me the way home. He is quite bright, that one. Since you don’t know your way home either, where would you like to go?”
“Wow, I have no idea. Are there any normal places?”
“Hahahaha, who wants normal when you can experience anything you’ve ever dreamed of? You need a little adventure! I know just the place to set you down.” With that, Illustratia, dives through a worm hole of code, dropping Ember and Perhluna in a hedge of lush ivy, just outside a giant tree with a small door at it’s base, before flying off.
“Wha---?” Ember ducks at Perhluna’s warning, barely be missed by a stream of glowing letters, symbols and numbers flying past her head. She spins around watching other similar streams zip around them.
“Perhluna, what is this place? Where are we? Why is it so dark? What are those?” she asks, pointing to the glowing strands of digits that offer the only source of light.
Unwrapping himself from around Ember’s neck, Perhluna settles on her shoulder with his long tail encircling her neck like a fur scarf. “I would think that is obvious.”
“Obvious? Perh, I am not in the mood for your riddles. Just tell me.” Perhluna grins at her mischievously, but says nothing. “Fine, we are in some sort of black hole, dodging …. whatever those, those strands are. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone version of Sesame Street and any minute Bert, Ernie and the count are going to pop up. Seriously, what is this place?”
Perhluna sighs, “well, you can certainly stand in for Oscar, the Grouch.” Ember crosses her arms and begins tapping her foot in annoyance, which elicits a chuckle from Perhluna. “Alright, I’ll tell you where we are. Although why you can’t figure it out yourself is beyond me. Must be a human thing.” Ember glares at him, but in the dimness, it makes her look like she is squinting and fails to intimidate. “We are in cyberspace, more specifically, this is where all the HTML code is written. Call it the brain of the internet.”
“Oh” was all Ember managed as she looked around her, quickly ducking under another stream of code and then moving Perhluna’s hands away from her eyes, as he struggled to hang on. “How did we end up here?”
“That’s easy, we aren’t published.”
“We aren’t published?..... oh, you mean on someone’s site.”
“Exactly. This is where all the random things on the internet stay until someone sends or publishes.”
“So there is just a bunch of code swimming around in he….what is that?” Ember points to a multicolored glowing spot that seems to be coming towards them and growing in size.
“ I believe that would be a dragon and you might want to start running because she is headed straight for us. RUNNNNNN!”
Gasping as the dragon begins to come into focus in the darkened space, Ember begins running. Looking over her shoulder, she sees the dragon gaining on them. It’s huge wings sending ripples of air against her back. Suddenly she realizes the ground below her has given way and they are falling through the blackness; the dragon in pursuit and quickly gaining on them. Ember screams as she feels the dragon’s claws close around her arms.
“Please dear, stop that ghastly noise. You act as if I’m going to eat you.” The dragon’s voice is soft and lyrical with a slight accent Ember can’t quite place. The gentleness of it’s tone and it’s melodic chuckle, makes her go instantly silent as she gazes up at the neck and chin of this mystical creature. “This can not be happening,” Ember thinks as she is mesmerized by the iridescent scales that seem to swirl with all the colors of the rainbow under a silvery shell.
“Of course it can! Anything can happen in Wrilogonzia. The only limits are the limits of ones imagination. Oh my goodness, where are my manners? My name is Illustratia. Where can I drop you off?”
Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the surrealism of the situation, Ember decides her best bet is to introduce herself and see if Illustratia knows how to get her back to her own computer. “I’m Ember and I have somehow gotten trapped inside this…place…and I really need to get back to my own computer so I can go home. Can you take me there?”
“Dear me, I would love to be able to do that, only I don’t know where your computer is. You see, cyberspace is full of these portals and worm holes, you just have to know the right path. Can you give me directions? “
“That’s just it, I don’t know how I got to this place so I don’t know which path will take me back. And how can you find anything in this blackness. “
“Well, you have gotten yourself in a jam, but I see you have a guide. Although his type IS notorious for being a trickster.”
“Hey, I haven’t tricked her, yet.” Perhluna grumbles.
“Well Perh, you haven’t helped that much either. Illustratia, how did you get in this place?”
“I was born in the mind of an adventurous young man with a talent for drawing. One day he must have gotten tired of me flitting about his head, so he drew me. Then he scanned me into his computer. Oh my curiosity got the better of me and I flew off to explore. Now, humans are forever trying to trap me on their blogs, websites and screens, but I am too quick to be caught. Wrilogonzia is a fascinating place and I love exploring and meeting all the interesting creatures, like yourself.” Unbeknownst to this odd party the artistic programmer is watching them with growing fascination for the girl with the hair of fire.
Ember laughs, “I’ve never been referred to as a creature before. Don’t you ever want to go home to your creator?”
Sighing, “Of course, but I have forgotten the way. I know one day he will find me and show me the way home. He is quite bright, that one. Since you don’t know your way home either, where would you like to go?”
“Wow, I have no idea. Are there any normal places?”
“Hahahaha, who wants normal when you can experience anything you’ve ever dreamed of? You need a little adventure! I know just the place to set you down.” With that, Illustratia, dives through a worm hole of code, dropping Ember and Perhluna in a hedge of lush ivy, just outside a giant tree with a small door at it’s base, before flying off.
“But wait……. where are you
going…..where are we?” Ember calls after her. She hears
Illustratia call back, “ you’re in the Misty
World, look for Arial Hollyberry. She will show you
around. I will be back later……”
Suddenly, Ember is blinded by millions of lights raining down on them………….
(Originally Published 2/15/10 on CC-Chronicles.blogspot)
Suddenly, Ember is blinded by millions of lights raining down on them………….
(Originally Published 2/15/10 on CC-Chronicles.blogspot)
Monday, September 17, 2012
Episode 3
her shock and dismay when things come back into focus... and finds herself
standing on a grassy plain. This can’t be Komosnia, and it certainly
couldn’t be Mystik
Falls ; there didn’t
appear to be anything magical about it. It was suddenly cold enough that
she could see her breath but there wasn’t any snow on the ground. She
looked around - I mean really - where had winter come from? And then she
looked around again; where were the others? Even the Komosny that had
been riding on her shoulder and talking her ear off was nowhere to be seen. The
only thing her ever-increasing frozenness saw was a town but it looked like it
was a stage set for a King Arthur movie or something. There was this
squalid little village all huddled up next to this wall that looked like it was
built to keep out the local wildlife rather than a really determined knight in
shining armor even though it was made of stone. In the middle was this
plain little castle or really big house - I mean really - since when does King
Author’s castle not have towers?
It did look warm though.
Maybe someone in the castle had a computer. It was obvious that thinking
about pushing the keys on her own computer hadn’t worked, at least, not the way
she had hoped. Before she took that first fateful step, she looked back -
just to be sure, she hadn’t stumbled through some door that was a lot closer
and a lot warmer than the alternative. Nada - with a sigh, she started
her frozen carcass moving.
The village market was everything
you could have hoped for from King Arthur in short-pants - nothing. Not
much anyway. This had to be the poorest village in all of her
imaginings. There were a couple things though. An old woman was
selling what looked like pieces of dried meat rolled in sugar. ‘Probably
salt though,’ she thought to herself as she nonetheless searched her
pockets for some money. With nothing but lint to show for her search.
She was left to wonder if it really was salt, though her mouth watered
for a little sugar just now. Now if she passed someone hawking chocolate
she’d very strongly consider mugging the person.
Suddenly the ground under her feet
began to tremble and everyone around her was looking for the source. ‘Great,
just before I get there, the castle is going to be shaken to the ground by an
earthquake. What is it; can’t I have any luck today?’ She
headed on anyway.
She hadn’t taken more than a dozen
steps before she realized that the earthquake wasn’t ending. There was
nothing for it but to keep walking, at least she could almost feel her feet
The quake finally ended just as
she reached the open gate to look in on a courtyard all abuzz over apparently
nothing - nothing she could see anyway. Unchallenged, she wondered on in
hoping to find someone who would answer some of her questions and provide her
with a little heat in the process. To her surprise and pleasure, a plump
woman found her.
“Here deary, you look half
frozen. Come inside by the cook-stove. I’ll fix you a hot cup of
“Yes, thanks you,” said Ember, as
she allowed the woman to guide her across the courtyard to a side door.
The woman continued to fuss.
“You shouldn’t be out here without a cloak, despite what the master’s doing.”
“I left my coat at home in the
closet. What did he do?” asked Ember.
“Well you shouldn’t have.
It’ll be snowing any day now, I expect.” She waved away the question with
a shake of her head. “He’s such a fine lad but I just don’t understand
what he’s done. What’s your name, deary?”
It’s Ember, Ember Innocenzi.”
“Oh my word. Such an exotic
name. I like it though, and I’ll have no trouble remembering it too, what
with all the fire in your hair. Don’t think I’ve ever seen the like
before. everyone calls me Della around here, unless they’re calling me mom.
I have three boys and two girls here, though you can’t tell by looking.
All of them are taller than me. They get it from their father, their
The door opened to a blast of
heat. It made Ember wonder if they weren’t entering an oven, though she
certainly didn’t hesitate at the door. The smell of fresh bread and some
kind of roast simmering somewhere drew her inside like a magnet.
“You sit down right here,” said
Della. She sat Ember down at a massive plank table that was loaded with
the coming meal in progress. Della took one look at where Ember’s eyes
were directed and began ladening down a plate with a sampling of everything
that didn’t still need to be cooked. After she set down the huge mug of
steaming tea, Ember scarcely noticed the woman disappear. She was
starving and she was warming nicely.
Just as she was determinedly going
to find room for the last grape on her plate, the little bug-eyed creature,
Perhluna, sauntered across the table bold as can be and took the grape from her
fingers. “Just who do you think you are?” she asked, and then,”Where did
you go?” blurted out right after - the question quite beyond her control.
“He, he, he, he, you are full
anyway,” said Perhluna. “You? You appear to be lost. How you
managed to miss Mistic Falls ,
I have no idea, but this sure isn’t it. You were lucky I found you.”
Just then, Della came back.
“Here you go, deary. This’ll keep you nice and warm.” She produced
a heavy cloak lined with soft gray fur and draped it around her
shoulders. Ember looked over at her words and then quickly back -
Perhluna was gone as if he - she - it had never been.
As if the kitchen wasn’t warm
enough, and now she had a very full belly. The mystery of where she was
quickly drowned in mint tea sweetened with honey.
Ember sat there watching Della
baste a roast in a massive oven and sipped at her tea. It wasn’t long
before her cheek found a fur-covered arm and her eyes were closing. Just
as the warm kitchen disappeared behind closed eyelids, she remembered she was
going to ask after a computer. She sighed, maybe a little nap first.
(Originally Posted: http://annalwalls.blogspot.com/2009/10/ember-of-wrilogonzia-blog-opera-part-3.html Monday, October 19, 2009)
Episode 2
As they frantically
attempt to outrun the Gattaca Security, Ember stumbles and falls, her vision
still rather blurred. As she attempts to get up, she finds herself face-to-face
with a strange, yet oddly adorable creature...who...can...talk! As Cassini
cries out, "A Komosny!", it stares back at her, and recovering first,
tells her she had better hurry and get up! Too stunned and frantic to care at
the moment, she does as the creature tells her as he promptly jumps on her
After maintaining a frantic pace, they have enough of a lead to stop, catch their breaths and decide what to do. The Komosny is chattering away and they all stop and look at him. Noticing their scrutiny, he first introduces himself as Perhluna, and explains that he was going over coordinates, explaining that he is familiar with this territory as the Komosny dwell in these parts. He tells them that if they take the curve of the path they're currently on, which goes to the left, they will come upon theMystik Falls ,
which are magical and may very well be their only hope of escape. Outside of
the fact that it is quite a distance and they will be lucky just to outrun
Gattaca Security, there is, however, one small "detail," if you will.
When three pair of questioning and doubtful eyes fall upon him, he begins to stutter with nervousness until Ember tries to quiet him by soothingly petting him. As he calms down, Jerome asks in a skeptical tone, "just what is this 'detail' exactly?"
Hearing the approach of those chasing them, Perhluna quickly explains how those who come uponMystik Falls will escape the constant threat of Gattaca
Security by entering the neutral village
of Komosnia , origin and
home of the Komosny. However, in order to gain entry, those wishing it must
take the form of the Komosny. Jerome and Cassini start moving quickly, uttering
statements about not having much choice! If Gattaca gets their hands on them,
they'll never get away!
As they're running along the path, noticeably hindered by the fact that Cassini is having to push Jerome's wheelchair, something occurs to Jerome and he asks Perhluna, "In Komosnia, will I be able to walk?" Perhluna answers that of course he will, however it will be on four legs!
Ember notices that her companions are not at all in the state of shock and disbelief she now finds herself. They readily accept this information and proceed in the direction that Perhluna instructed. Well, she thinks to herself, why should any of this seem odd? I mean really, I have a talking critter, or Komosny named Perhluna on my shoulder, I'm with - sorry, but that sure looks like Jude Law and another woman who greatly resembles Uma Thurman, I'm in a strange place being chased by what I assume are people or creatures of some sort called Gattaca Security, AND in I'm heading for a village where I will assume the form of a four-legged furry critter!
Trying desperately not to panic, she comes to the conclusion that the only thing at this point that makes any sense at all, is quite simply that she is dreaming. After all, the last thing SHE remembers is having been blogging at her computer....
That's IT! Her computer! A thought occurs to her, and as they're running desperately forMystik
Falls , they can hear
their pursuers gaining on them. She mentally pictures herself at her computer,
looks at the keyboard and hits the FIND button. Not knowing if she should try
Mystik Falls or Komosnia, as she is going to have to guess at the spelling
regardless, she begins typing and as the sounds of their pursuers grow nearer,
she frantically hits the enter key. Immediately, everything begins to swim
around them.
Imagine her shock and dismay when things come back into focus...
After maintaining a frantic pace, they have enough of a lead to stop, catch their breaths and decide what to do. The Komosny is chattering away and they all stop and look at him. Noticing their scrutiny, he first introduces himself as Perhluna, and explains that he was going over coordinates, explaining that he is familiar with this territory as the Komosny dwell in these parts. He tells them that if they take the curve of the path they're currently on, which goes to the left, they will come upon the
When three pair of questioning and doubtful eyes fall upon him, he begins to stutter with nervousness until Ember tries to quiet him by soothingly petting him. As he calms down, Jerome asks in a skeptical tone, "just what is this 'detail' exactly?"
Hearing the approach of those chasing them, Perhluna quickly explains how those who come upon
As they're running along the path, noticeably hindered by the fact that Cassini is having to push Jerome's wheelchair, something occurs to Jerome and he asks Perhluna, "In Komosnia, will I be able to walk?" Perhluna answers that of course he will, however it will be on four legs!
Ember notices that her companions are not at all in the state of shock and disbelief she now finds herself. They readily accept this information and proceed in the direction that Perhluna instructed. Well, she thinks to herself, why should any of this seem odd? I mean really, I have a talking critter, or Komosny named Perhluna on my shoulder, I'm with - sorry, but that sure looks like Jude Law and another woman who greatly resembles Uma Thurman, I'm in a strange place being chased by what I assume are people or creatures of some sort called Gattaca Security, AND in I'm heading for a village where I will assume the form of a four-legged furry critter!
Trying desperately not to panic, she comes to the conclusion that the only thing at this point that makes any sense at all, is quite simply that she is dreaming. After all, the last thing SHE remembers is having been blogging at her computer....
That's IT! Her computer! A thought occurs to her, and as they're running desperately for
Imagine her shock and dismay when things come back into focus...
Episode 1
“I do
not need to go out and meet people. I have plenty of friends, thank you very
much.” Ember told her brother Wyndel, irritably..
“Those people you talk to online, aren’t real. Ember, you need to get out of the house have interaction with flesh and blood people,” Wyndel chided through the phone.
“Wyn, you just don’t understand. I go out ….. occasionally, I’m just not comfortable around a lot of people. I like my solitude. And I have interaction with real people. Aunt Elspeth has people over all the time and I hang out with you and Fossylia and the kids.. Oh and remember just last summer I went to the coast with Misty for a whole month. Besides, my online friends are real. They understand me in a way nobody else does. I can be myself with them.”
“Ok, Ember, make your excuses. But when I get to town next week, we are going out. And you will enjoy it! “ Ember hears a muffled voice through the phone. “hey, Em I have to run. I love you. Give Ellie a hug for me. See you next week!”
“Lo….ve…you too, “ Ember says into the now dead air. “Online people aren’t real. You need to get out more. You should go on a date, be more social….yadda, yadda, yadda…. Well, you think I’m social enough, don’t you Nym?” Ember picks up the fuzzy tortoiseshell cat curled up on her keyboard. Nuzzling the long soft hair as a loud rumbling begins to emit from Nym. “Yes, you love me just the way I am. And speaking of my ‘unreal’ online friends, hmph, I need to catch up on some blogs.” Turning the computer on, Ember lays Nym in her lap as she begins typing in her email password.
After a few hours of reading and commenting, Ember’s head begins to nod as she is reading another of her favorite bloggers. Soon she is sound asleep; her head resting on her arms.
“What the…” Ember exclaims as she finds herself in a heap under a small bridge.
“Hey are you okay?”
Ember looks around, trying to orientate herself and locate where the voice is coming from. “I have to be dreaming.” She pinches herself. “Ow. Ok that was stupid. Why do they always do that in movies. Of course I can feel it. It’s my dream, duh…”
“ Do you always talk to yourself like this, or did your tumble rattle a few marbles loose?”
There’s that delicious voice again. Ember looks to her right and sees a man in a wheelchair rolling to the end of the small bridge. All around them are trees and flowering shrubs lining a path with stone benches. I must be in some sort of park, she thinks to herself. As she stands up and steps closer to the man she recognizes him, “Oh my God, you’re Jude Law!”
“Excuse me? You must have me mistaken for someone else. I’m Jerome. Jerome Morrow.” Jerome says in that wonderful lilting voice as he extends his hand.” And you are?”
“But…you…look…..I’m sorry, I’m Ember.. Innocenzi.” Ember shakes his hand as she mutters, “and this is one weird dream,” under her breath.
Jerome chuckles. “Well, I admit I haven’t been called a dream in quite some time, so thank you.” He slowly runs his eyes over her invitingly curvy frame, taking in her black tank top, star covered flannel pants and bright purple plaid socks. But it his disheveled mass of long hair that captivates him with it's deep red color and hints of copper, honey and gold.
“Oh, I didn’t mean you… well, not that you’re not a dream, but…. I’ll just be quiet now,” Ember stammers, chiding herself. She feels the color rising in her cheeks as she follows his glance and realizes she is still wearing what she must have fallen asleep in.
"It’s alright, I understand. Really. Before the accident, I suppose I was a dream. Now the chair is a bit off putting, isn’t it?”
“Noooo! It’s not that. It’s just this isn’t real. I mean it can’t be. I must be dreaming, it’s just…..” Embers voice trails off as she again focuses on her surroundings. The lamp post lining the past cast a warm light on the path, leaving the surrounding woods and grassy areas in shadows. On one tree she sees an odd looking creature watching her. It’s huge eyes seeming to burst from it’s head as it’s floppy ears make it appear to be winking at her when they fall across it’s gaze. It’s finger like hands grip the trunk as it climbs forward for a better look. Then it does the strangest thing. It smiles at her before it disappears. Ember shakes her head and looks again. No way, she thinks to herself.. She turns to Jude… Jerome, “did you see that?
“Those people you talk to online, aren’t real. Ember, you need to get out of the house have interaction with flesh and blood people,” Wyndel chided through the phone.
“Wyn, you just don’t understand. I go out ….. occasionally, I’m just not comfortable around a lot of people. I like my solitude. And I have interaction with real people. Aunt Elspeth has people over all the time and I hang out with you and Fossylia and the kids.. Oh and remember just last summer I went to the coast with Misty for a whole month. Besides, my online friends are real. They understand me in a way nobody else does. I can be myself with them.”
“Ok, Ember, make your excuses. But when I get to town next week, we are going out. And you will enjoy it! “ Ember hears a muffled voice through the phone. “hey, Em I have to run. I love you. Give Ellie a hug for me. See you next week!”
“Lo….ve…you too, “ Ember says into the now dead air. “Online people aren’t real. You need to get out more. You should go on a date, be more social….yadda, yadda, yadda…. Well, you think I’m social enough, don’t you Nym?” Ember picks up the fuzzy tortoiseshell cat curled up on her keyboard. Nuzzling the long soft hair as a loud rumbling begins to emit from Nym. “Yes, you love me just the way I am. And speaking of my ‘unreal’ online friends, hmph, I need to catch up on some blogs.” Turning the computer on, Ember lays Nym in her lap as she begins typing in her email password.
After a few hours of reading and commenting, Ember’s head begins to nod as she is reading another of her favorite bloggers. Soon she is sound asleep; her head resting on her arms.
“What the…” Ember exclaims as she finds herself in a heap under a small bridge.
“Hey are you okay?”
Ember looks around, trying to orientate herself and locate where the voice is coming from. “I have to be dreaming.” She pinches herself. “Ow. Ok that was stupid. Why do they always do that in movies. Of course I can feel it. It’s my dream, duh…”
“ Do you always talk to yourself like this, or did your tumble rattle a few marbles loose?”
There’s that delicious voice again. Ember looks to her right and sees a man in a wheelchair rolling to the end of the small bridge. All around them are trees and flowering shrubs lining a path with stone benches. I must be in some sort of park, she thinks to herself. As she stands up and steps closer to the man she recognizes him, “Oh my God, you’re Jude Law!”
“Excuse me? You must have me mistaken for someone else. I’m Jerome. Jerome Morrow.” Jerome says in that wonderful lilting voice as he extends his hand.” And you are?”
“But…you…look…..I’m sorry, I’m Ember.. Innocenzi.” Ember shakes his hand as she mutters, “and this is one weird dream,” under her breath.
Jerome chuckles. “Well, I admit I haven’t been called a dream in quite some time, so thank you.” He slowly runs his eyes over her invitingly curvy frame, taking in her black tank top, star covered flannel pants and bright purple plaid socks. But it his disheveled mass of long hair that captivates him with it's deep red color and hints of copper, honey and gold.
“Oh, I didn’t mean you… well, not that you’re not a dream, but…. I’ll just be quiet now,” Ember stammers, chiding herself. She feels the color rising in her cheeks as she follows his glance and realizes she is still wearing what she must have fallen asleep in.
"It’s alright, I understand. Really. Before the accident, I suppose I was a dream. Now the chair is a bit off putting, isn’t it?”
“Noooo! It’s not that. It’s just this isn’t real. I mean it can’t be. I must be dreaming, it’s just…..” Embers voice trails off as she again focuses on her surroundings. The lamp post lining the past cast a warm light on the path, leaving the surrounding woods and grassy areas in shadows. On one tree she sees an odd looking creature watching her. It’s huge eyes seeming to burst from it’s head as it’s floppy ears make it appear to be winking at her when they fall across it’s gaze. It’s finger like hands grip the trunk as it climbs forward for a better look. Then it does the strangest thing. It smiles at her before it disappears. Ember shakes her head and looks again. No way, she thinks to herself.. She turns to Jude… Jerome, “did you see that?
“Sorry?” Oh, he is handsome when he turns his head that way and looks at me….focus!
“Over there on that tree, there was an animal and then it just went poof and was gone.”
“Are you sure you didn’t hit your head when you fell? There’s nothing there.” He says with a look of concern.
Before she can respond a beautiful blonde woman, who looks a lot like Uma Thurman runs up to them. “Jerome, what are you doing out here? If they catch you they’ll lock you away. Where’s Vincent?”
“Haven’t seen him tonight love. I’m sure he can handle himself. No need to worry about me. Know one is out here except this lovely young lady. Cassini, Ember. Ember,Cassini. And why are you running?”
“ We must hurry, Gattaca Security is not far behind me. We have to leave now.” Cassini anxiously says as she grabs the back of the wheel chair and begins pushing Jerome across the bridge as he protest. She pauses to say to Ember, “Sorry, we must go. You don’t look like you belong here. Do you have your papers?” At Ember’s puzzled look, Cassini continues, “then you better come with us. Hurry, if they catch you without papers they’ll make you disappear.”
Ember begins to follow, but as she reaches the other side of the bridge her vision blurs……
(Originally Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 on Http://cc-chronicles.blogspot.com)
Welcome to Wrilogonzia
In 2009, Ember and her family blossomed into my mind. Originally, her story was going to be a "round robin" with many authors as she traveled through cyberspace. Over the next year, I discovered that it was my subconscious receiving the details of her journey. As my own life became complicated, I pushed the world of Wrilogonzia to the far recesses of my mind. Now that world is pushing back into the forefront of this world and it is time for Ember's story to be told. So, here I will take you back to the where it all started and her journey will continue from there.
Ember in Wrilogonzia - A Blog Opera
And now, let the journey begin….
Ember in Wrilogonzia - A Blog Opera
What is a blog opera?
First, let me start by explaining what a "Blog Opera" is. A blog opera is an ongoing story with many writers that travels from blog to blog as the story unfolds around a few set characters with other characters coming and going as the story progresses.
Now before we begin Ember's journey, let me give you a little background information. This story is like anAlice
in Wonderland meets Tron. Our main character is Ember Innocenzi and she is
about to become trapped in Wrilogonzia (the blog/internet realm).
Let’s find out who Ember is. Ember Innocenzi is a 28 year old customer service representative that works from her home and rarely goes out. She shares her home with her reclusive and eccentric aunt, Elspeth, and their two cats, Nuet and Nym. Her parents were killed when she was four and her aunt has raised her along with her three other siblings. They are all three years apart in age, the oldest being her sister Fossylia and the youngest, her sister, Misty. Ember also has an older brother, Wyndel. She remembers little of her parents, only what her aunt, Fossylia and her brother, Wyndel have told her. Most of the stories involve the characters' love of nature, hence the elemental names their parents chose for their children. Except for Ember, they all possess traits of the names they were given. Fossylia is a social worker/child advocate. She is the rock of the family and those around her. Wyndle is a publicist and is always jetting around the globe for his clients. He flies through life like the wind or at times like a tornado. Misty, following her connection with water, is a marine biologist. Ember has always been the one to defy her name. She is shy and timid. She likes to stay home where she feels safe and comfortable. While close to her siblings, around others she has always been quiet and a loner. She married her college boyfriend but they divorced a year later. Physically, Ember is very average. She is 5’ 7”, 160lbs, a curvy figure. She is in great shape due to her love of martial arts and archery. Her eyes are a warm light brown and her hair has strands of many natural colors but has a strong reddish cast, when sunlight hits it just right it resembles liquid fire. Other random facts: her favorite color is orange, her favorite season is fall, she finds thunderstorms soothing and her favorite comfort food is hotdogs. Until now, Ember has simply been 'smoldering' through life. We are about to ignite her inner spark as she enters into a world where anything is possible!
Our other main character is a creature that inhabits Wrilogonzia. It is genderless and will have the ability to pop in and out of the stories to act as a guide and companion on occasion. This creature is a Komosny, a species only found in the blog/internet realm. In appearance it looks like the aye-aye pictured below. Our Komosny is named Perhluna.
First, let me start by explaining what a "Blog Opera" is. A blog opera is an ongoing story with many writers that travels from blog to blog as the story unfolds around a few set characters with other characters coming and going as the story progresses.
Now before we begin Ember's journey, let me give you a little background information. This story is like an
Let’s find out who Ember is. Ember Innocenzi is a 28 year old customer service representative that works from her home and rarely goes out. She shares her home with her reclusive and eccentric aunt, Elspeth, and their two cats, Nuet and Nym. Her parents were killed when she was four and her aunt has raised her along with her three other siblings. They are all three years apart in age, the oldest being her sister Fossylia and the youngest, her sister, Misty. Ember also has an older brother, Wyndel. She remembers little of her parents, only what her aunt, Fossylia and her brother, Wyndel have told her. Most of the stories involve the characters' love of nature, hence the elemental names their parents chose for their children. Except for Ember, they all possess traits of the names they were given. Fossylia is a social worker/child advocate. She is the rock of the family and those around her. Wyndle is a publicist and is always jetting around the globe for his clients. He flies through life like the wind or at times like a tornado. Misty, following her connection with water, is a marine biologist. Ember has always been the one to defy her name. She is shy and timid. She likes to stay home where she feels safe and comfortable. While close to her siblings, around others she has always been quiet and a loner. She married her college boyfriend but they divorced a year later. Physically, Ember is very average. She is 5’ 7”, 160lbs, a curvy figure. She is in great shape due to her love of martial arts and archery. Her eyes are a warm light brown and her hair has strands of many natural colors but has a strong reddish cast, when sunlight hits it just right it resembles liquid fire. Other random facts: her favorite color is orange, her favorite season is fall, she finds thunderstorms soothing and her favorite comfort food is hotdogs. Until now, Ember has simply been 'smoldering' through life. We are about to ignite her inner spark as she enters into a world where anything is possible!
Our other main character is a creature that inhabits Wrilogonzia. It is genderless and will have the ability to pop in and out of the stories to act as a guide and companion on occasion. This creature is a Komosny, a species only found in the blog/internet realm. In appearance it looks like the aye-aye pictured below. Our Komosny is named Perhluna.
And now, let the journey begin….
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